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Executive Board 4/25/23


Executive Board Meeting Minutes April 25, 2023 Home of Ed Kozak Attendees: Bob Stechert Karen Conrad

Carla Crippin

Ed Kozak

Kelly Crippin

Meeting called to order 10:06am

Ed Kozak recommends that no owner can serve on both boards concurrently. Resolution to be completed by March 1, 2024. Motion was made by Karen Conrad, 2nd by Bob Stechert. All in Favor

Reserve Study has been completed. This will be broadcast on the website. The Reserve Assessment will be placed on the agenda for the annual association meeting in the fall. It was discussed that an increase may be added, for the objective of having our $15,000 reserve. Motion was made to adopt the Reserve Study by Bob Stechert, 2nd by Karen Conrad. All in favor

Volunteer Resignation of Karen Conrad from the Architectural Review Board, effective immediately. She volunteered to resign to eliminate board members serving on either board concurrently. Motion to accept resignation made by Bob Stechert, 2nd by Carla Crippin. All in Favor

Per Article 15, Section 15.3 “The ARB shall be appointed and replaced by the Executive Board and the Executive Board shall have absolute authority to remove any person on the ARB, with or without cause.” Motion was made by Karen Conrad to appoint Paul Marcinek to the open position on the ARB, 2nd by Kelly Crippin. All in Favor

Ed Kozak stated that Joanne Monday would like to volunteer to be the admin to the ARB. She would not be an advisor but act as secretary to the ARB. Motion was made by Kelly for Joanne Monday to be in the administrative position for the ARB, 2nd by Carla Crippin. All in Favor

Recommendation is to continue to have dual meeting with Executive Board & ARB, interval quarterly or as needed.

Website is up. Announcement to be made at the April 28, 2023 meeting.

The agenda has not changed for the 4/28/23 meeting. Bob will send out reminder.

Motion by Karen Conrad to adjourn the meeting, 2nd by Bob Stechert. Meeting adjourned 11:12am.

Respectfully submitted by Karen Conrad.

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