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Annual Meeting 10/30/2021


EAGLE HEIGHTS HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION MEETING OCTOBER 30, 2021 CRIPPIN FUNERAL HOME CHAPEL, MONTROSE, CO PRESENT: Karen Conrad, President; Mike Williams, Vice-President; and Carla Crippin, Secretary-Treasurer. In Attendance: #7 Craig Peterson, #9-10 Nicholas & Lucy Orros, #11-28-44 Dan Daneff & Joann Monday, #14-15 Mike & Angie Williams, #17 Ed & Gail Kozak, #19 Chuck & Elizabeth Teeter, #21 Lee & Ann Krsiean, #24 Kelly & Carla Crippin, #26 Tom & Karen Conrad, #27 Mario & Alison Casias Proxy: #8 Ann Marie Sanders by #7 Craig Peterson, #20 John & Jerri Beattie by Ann Krsiean Email Votes: #13 Paul & Norma Marcinek, #16 Craig & Monica Keehfuss, #20 John & Jerri Beattie, #25 Merrill & Ev Kaufmann GUEST: Joe Solomon, HOA Attorney CALL TO ORDER: Karen Conrad called the meeting to order at 5:09 pm. MINUTES: Joanne Monday made a motion to approve the minutes from May 14, 2021; Bob Stechert seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. REPORTS OF OFFICERS: Architectural Review Board – Dan Daneff announced there will be an additional sheet of instructions sent to HOA members starting the building process. This information will also be added to the website. There are currently 4 homes in the construction process. Treasurer – Carla Crippin presented the financial reports including a summary of this year’s figures [Jan-Sep] and projected expenses. Ed Kozak asked about the high cost of our electricity bill from DMEA. It was explained there are 2 meters, one by the mailboxes for the lights and lower pump and the other at the top of Lone Eagle for the upper pump. A question arose whether we might be paying for the electrical on the wifi tower and this will be investigated by the Board. INTRODUCTION OF GUEST: Karen Conrad introduced Joe Solomon, an attorney who has been contracted by the HOA to help us with the transition from the developers. He explained he has 31 years of experience as an attorney, and he represents 40 HOAs in Telluride. Mr. Solomon was thanked for his assistance and expertise. GOVERNANCE POLICIES: Nick Orros explained the reasons why he was so concerned about the weaknesses in previous HOA documents and thanked the Board and Mr. Solomon for introducing the proposed Responsible Governance Policies, Rules and Regulations, and asked for clarification on these points: ➢ Section 1-1 Unpaid assessments. Should this be changed from quarterly to annually to reflect our current practice? Mr. Solomon agreed this should be changed.

  • ➢ RegardingtheHOA’srightstofilealien,Mr.Solomonstatedthiswordingcamedirectly from the Colorado statutes and that this is considered a legal action. The same applies to conflict-of-interest transition.

  • ➢ Section 3 Conduct of Meetings. Should the Board have total control over the agenda? Mr. Solomon stated he would review the wording re: this issue and take Nick’s comments into consideration.

EAGLE HEIGHTS HOA MEETING OCTOBER 30, 2021 – PAGE 2. ➢ Section 4.3 Fines and Action. After discussion it was agreed this is the only way to penalize a homeowner for non-compliance and the Board has discretion in assessing any fine. It further states that the Board shall look at historical records while considering the infraction. BERM ISSUES: Karen Conrad reported the issues of maintaining the grassy berm along 5950 Road had been discussed. Ed Kozak made a motion that maintenance of this area, not including the 200’ wide corridor along the entrance to the development, be suspended. His rationale included the substantial expense of watering and mowing and that the HOA should have a reserve account to manage emergencies and unforeseen expenditures. Joanne Monday seconded the motion and a lengthy discussion of the impact of this action would produce. Bob Stechert asked if there had been a requirement by the county to have this landscaping as part of the original development’s plans. He then made a motion to table this motion to a future meeting. Joanne Monday seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. HOA INSURANCE: Karen Conrad has asked our insurer, State Farm, for an estimate to expand our coverage to include Errors & Omission plus Officers and Directors. She will obtain estimates from several other companies. It was suggested the finalized insurance policy be added to the website. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT: Ed Kozak made a motion to add $100/year/lot to the HOA dues to be placed in a separate account for two years. This would be due by June 30, 2020. Nick Orros seconded the motion. Following discussion, the motion passed unanimously. RV PARKING: Lucy Orros made a motion to allow homeowners to park a trailer or RV in their driveway up to 72 hours to allow for packing, unpacking and cleaning. Alison Casias seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Special exemptions for visitors staying over the 72- hour limit may be allowed by notifying the Board. BURIED IRRIGATION PIPE: Nick Orros informed the group that over 2000’ of buried pipe on the Franklin Mesa [Phase 3] may be an issue in the future. Owners of this property stated they were working with their attorney to resolve any problems which might occur. OWNERSHIP OF COMMON AREAS: Nick Orros noted ownership of the common areas have been granted to the HOA and this has been corrected with Montrose County. PROPOSAL TO ADD TWO DIRECTORS: Ed Kozak made a motion to add two directors [for a total of five] to the Executive Board, noting the Bylaws allow up to seven directors. Ann Krsiean seconded the motion. Ed stated the workload for the three current directors had been significant during the past year and commended all three for the excellent job they had done. Several members spoke to this issue, arguing much of the work during this transition year would decrease in the future and that additional directors are unnecessary. The motion failed with 7 votes opposed and 6 votes for the measure. ELECTION OF BOARD: Joanne Monday and Lee Krsiean counted the ballots for next year’s Executive Board. Bob Stechert and Carla Crippin received 17 votes each, Karen Conrad received 15 votes, and Nick Orros received 2 votes. Bob Stechert will serve as President, Karen Conrad will serve as Vice President and Carla Crippin will continue as Secretary/ Treasurer.

EAGLE HEIGHTS HOA MEETING OCTOBER 30, 2021, PAGE 3 ** Votes received after the count: 2 Bob Stechert, 2 Carla Crippin, 2 Nick Orros. Results in no change to outcome. APPROVAL OF 2021-22 BUDGETS: Ballots received prior to the meeting were counted with 12 owners approving the proposed budget and none disapproving. ADJOURNMENT: Karen Conrad thanked our attorney for attending the meeting and helping clarify several issues. The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 pm. Executive Board Meeting October 30, 2021 7:10pm Newly Elected officers in attendance: Bob Stechert, Karen Conrad, Carla Crippin Board Positions decided: Bob Stechert - President Karen Conrad - Vice President Carla Crippin - Secretary/Treasurer Adoption of Responsible Governance Policies by the board. Meeting adjourned 7:15pm. Minutes Respectfully submitted by Ann Krsiean on behalf of Carla Crippin

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