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Annual Meeting 10/28/2022


Meeting Minutes for Eagle Heights Homeowners Association Date: 10/28/2022 Time: 5:00 PM Location: Crippin Funeral Home Chapel ATTENDEES Lot 2, Canady; Lot 4, Carter; Lot 7, Sanders/Peterson; Lot 8, Sanders; Lot 9, Orros; Lot 10 Orros; Lot 11, 28, 44, Daneff; Lot 13, Marcinek; Lot 14,15 Williams; Lot 17, Kozak; Lot 18; Redmond; Lot 21, Wright; Lot 22, Smith; Lot 24, Crippin; Lot 25, Kaufmann; Lot 26, Conrad; Lot 43, Hixon; Lot 45, Stechert, ----Proxy Lot 16, Keehfuss-by Carla Crippin, Lot 19 Teeter-by Carla Crippin, Lot 20 Beattie- Zach Canady The Agenda for the meeting 2022 was distributed and approved. October 2021 minutes were reviewed and approved as corrected. REPORTS Report #1: 2021-2022 Budget Details: Review of Expenditures or 2021-2022 2023 Proposal Budget Reminder 2022 assessment dues of $100 were due June 1, 2022, reminder to those that have not paid, to please bring it current. The 2023 Special Assessment of $100 will be due June 1, 2023. Bob states the usage of the reserve account, will be placed on an agenda, at future date. Clarification the our budget is on a calendar year. Report #2: Architectural Review Board Details: Architectural Review Board consists of Dan Daneff, Kelly Crippin & Karen Conrad Dan Daneff reported 2 new homes were approved, and under construction, along with and out building/garage. (1)

UNFINISHED BUSINESS Paving of 5950 Rd Details: Sue Hansen, Montrose County Commissioner, was scheduled to attend to address questions regarding the paving of 5950 Rd. Bob reported that a counter was placed on 5950 Rd., and that a vehicle count of 200, is needed, before consideration of paving. Our count was 167. Counters are typically placed every 3 years, however, Bob is going to request that a counter be placed this spring (2023). Due to the volume of vehicle traffic, magnesium chloride was placed on 5950 Rd, to help control the dust. Montrose County sealed the cracks on Lone Eagle Way & Lone Eagle Road. Nick Orros, suggested that attending the County Commissioners meeting, which meets every first Monday of the month @ 9:00 am, may express their desire of paving 5950 Road. Anyone is welcome to attend. Berm Details: Bob states there is a provision, in Article Section7.8, for an Easement for Beautification, however it is not shown on any map or plat. It has been established that the berm property belongs to the individual lot owners. In order for the HOA to maintain the berm, we would need easement conditions, from each of the individual lot owners bordering the berm. The properties would then need to be surveyed to meet the needs of easement. This would be very costly endeavor. Ed Kozak motioned to discontinued maintenance of the berm, with the exception of 100 feet on each side of the entry. JoAnn Monday seconded the motion. Vote was taken, 10 affirmed the discontinuing of the up keep & 7 were opposed to the discontinuation of maintenance of the berm. Diane Sanders, offered to check her deed. She believes there may be an easement of 60-65ft easement for beautification. If so, we might be able to obtain the right to maintain the berm. Reserve Account at Alpine Details: A Reserve Account was established at Alpine Bank. 2

3rd Amendment (Rv & Boat Parking of 72hrs) Details: The 3rd Amendment was adopted, October 2021. Nick Orros expressed concern on the wording of newly adopted amendment. Bob will be looking in to the document. Once confirmed as correct, it will be distributed to the owners. NEW BUSINESS Item #1: Walking Path/Waterfall Details: The walking path/waterfall was discussed to continue maintaining. In order for continued maintenance, replacement of the pump and electrical to restore the irrigation would need to be completed. A bid of $7500 was submitted to the Board from Landform Landscaping. Kelly Crippin, offered to construct bid for the work and will present it to the Board for consideration. Paul Marcinek suggested a work party with the membership, to clear dead trees and weeds. Nick Orros made a motion to cease irrigating and maintaining the waterfall area. Lucy Orros seconded the motion. Vote of 7 to cease maintenance and 6 opposed the motion. Motion passed. Item #2: Irrigation Water - Planning for the future Details: The HOA has 26 shares of water with Uncompahgre Valley Water Users Association (UVWUA). The water rate has been running at 70% flow rate for 2022. In past years, it has been as low as 50% flow rate. Given this statistic and the current drought, Bob recommends a water usage schedule for the owners for the 2023 irrigation supply. This recommendation is made, because more homes have been completed and landscaped. Bob recommends as a community, we should Zeroscape as much as possible. A proposed schedule will be sent prior to the date of irrigation water going “live” in the Spring. Item #3: T-Valve on Lot 5 Details: It was discussed the opening of the valve that distributes water on lots 6, 7, 8, 9. It was determined & agreed, that Kelly Crippin, would maintain the opening & closing of the valve. 3

Item #4: Prairie Dog Infestation Details: Bob states he has a toxic formula to temporary slow the prairie dog population. It would have to be a winter project, when they are hibernating. Special notice and consent, from the lot owners of the affected areas would need to be received in order to proceed. Volunteers will be needed should this occur. Item #5: Homeowners Association Website Details: The new Homeowners Association Website is slated to be completed by mid-December. We are working to have it membership friendly. Association will be notified of the website address when completed. Item #6: Additional Executive Board Directors Details: Ed Kozak, made a motion to add 2 additional Executive Board Directors, the motion was 2nd by Dan Daneff. Vote was taken and passed with 16 affirmed votes. Bob will send an email for self nominated Candidate submissions and voting instructions along with deadlines. Voting will be done via email. Item #7: Semiannual Homeowners Association Meeting Details: Nick Orros, made a motion for a Semi Annual Homeowners Association Meeting, JoAnn Monday, seconded the motion. If passed, an amendment to Article III, B of the Bylaws would need to be completed. Article VII, A, of the ByLaws, 67% of the voting owners are needed to amend the ByLaws. 21 affirmed votes were required, 13 were received. Motion Failed. Item #8: Election for Executive Board Details: Annual Executive Board Election Ballots were send via email and paper copy were available at the meeting. Candidates were Bob Stechert, Carla Crippin and Karen Conrad. JoAnn Monday and Ev Kaufmann counted the ballots. Bob Stechert - 21 Carla Crippin - 21 Karen Conrad - 20 Meeting was adjourned at 7:17 pm 4

Executive Board Meeting held immediately following adjournment Meeting called to order at 7:18pm Newly elected officer in attendance; Bob Stechert, Carla Crippin, Karen Conrad. Board potions will remain the same. Adoption of the updated Governance Policies by the Board & signed by President Bob Stechert. Meeting adjourned at 7:20pm 5

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