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Executive Board Meeting 8.18.23


Executive Board & ARB Work Session Minutes August 18, 2023 5pm In Attendance: Bob Stechert Karen Conrad Carla Crippin Ed Kozak Kelly Crippin Dan Daneff Paul Marcinek Update regarding the irrigation water outflow was presented by Kelly. He fabricated a new screen at the gate. A more rigorous cleaning schedule is in place. A big thank you to Bob, Kelly & Ed for their time cleaning the head gate. The flow is steady and has not received air and shut down owners pumps. With the increased and steady flow, it is possible to add extended water times to those in need for lawns. A revised watering schedule to be created and distributed via email to all owners. Bob discussed the amount of water per lot, based on the 28.5 shares allotted to Eagle Heights per information given to him by the Uncompaghre Valley Water Users. He states that each lot is entitled to 3 acre feet per year. The watering schedule has been designed with all 28.5 shares. The ARB gave an update on site builds. The ARB & Executive Board discussed the appeal process of denied plans, what fines could be levied for non compliance, etc.

Ed stated he and Carla would be working together to upgrade the Financial Report, making it easier to read and understand. Ed made the following motions: 1. The President of the HOA Board of Directors write a letter or send an email to all lot owners who have not paid the 2023 Special Assessment of $100 for the reserve account and to explain the need for the Special Assessment. Reason: per the 6/30/2023 Financial Report, 20 lot owners, of 31, have not paid the Special Assessment. NO 2nd. The billing had just gone out for payment to be paid by July 15. 2. A written financial report is given to the HOA Board of Directors every month. Reason: Each Board member is elected by the membership to represent them. One responsibility of the HOA Board is to insure the financial stability of the HOA. 2nd by Bob. Discussion states the report doesn’t fluctuate monthly. Quarterly would be best. VOTE 4 nay - 1 yay Reports to be given quarterly. 3. The President of the HOA Board of Directors ask the membership at the October 2023 Annual Eagle Heights membership meeting to approve the Special Assessment of $100/lot/year to the Reserve Account for the next two years. Reason: Compliance with Reserve Governance Policy #9 and Reserve Study & Funding requirement of $15,000 reserve. 2nd by Karen. VOTE 5 yay. To be placed on Annual Meeting Agenda. 4. The HOA Board of Directors transfer $2,600 from the Operating Account to the Reserve Account by 1 October 2023.

Reason: Expedite the balance in the Reserve Account to the $15,000 goal by 30 December 2025. $3,100 Approved 2022 Special Assessment $3,100 Approved 2023 Special Assessment $3,100 Proposed 2024 Special Assessment, on approval by membership at October 2023 Annual meeting $3,100 Proposed 2025 Special Assessment, on approval by membership at October 2023 Annual meeting $2,600 on approval of this motion by the HOA Board of Directors $15,000 Total Reserve Funding goal (achieved by 30 December 2025) 2nd by Kelly. Discussion regarding the legality of doing so. Bob will check to see if that is possible by Board decision or if it requires a membership vote. MOTION ON HOLD 5. The President of the HOA Board of Directors ask the membership at the October 2023 Annual Eagle Heights membership meeting to reconsider the membership decision to maintain the Berm. This motion does not include the area at the entry into the subdivision from 5950 Road. Reason: To reduce the total amount of irrigation water used by the entire subdivision so that there is more water available for the needs of individual lot owners, and to reduce HOA operation expense with the ultimate goal of reducing annual membership dues. 2nd by Kelly. VOTE 3 nay 2 yay —— Discussion regarding the irrigation pond and the need for it to be cleared out. Last clearing was done in 2017. Bids will be submitted and reviewed. Bob has also stated he will request the Vehicle Counter be placed on 5950 Road with the addition of several homes completed. Meeting adjourned 6:20pm Respectfully submitted - Karen Conrad

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