Eagle Heights Homeowner Association
Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Board & Architectural Board
October 3, 2021
1 PM
Location of Meeting:
Dan Daneff
59221 Lone Eagle Rd
Montrose, Colorado 81403
Present at Meeting: Karen Conrad, Mike Williams, Carla Crippin, Dan Daneff, Kelly Crippin
1'he regular meeting of the Executive Board & Architectural Board of Eagle Heights Homeowner Association
was called to order at 1 PM on October 3, 2021 at Dan Daneff by Karen Conrad.
I. Approval of Agenda
The agenda for the meeting was distributed and unanimously approved.
II. Review of Previous Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and unanimously approved.
III. Consideration of Open Issues
1. 5950 Road Paving
Karen Conrad
Discussion regarding the letter sent by Bob Stechert Lot 45, to Montrose County, for paving of 5950
to entrance. An option of private funding was give, with an estimate of $70k. The HO A has no
financial obligation to assist in private funding of the paving.
,tNot an agenda item.
Dan Daneff would like to have an informal discussion after the close of the owners meeting for those
interested in funding and/or options.
IV. Consideration of New Business
I. Maintenance & Expense Of Berm
Dan Daneff
Estimated cost of care for the perimeter berm is approximately $5400 per year, based on 2019-2020
expense reports. Review of the plats show that the berm area is actually a portion of the property
within the boundary of owners lots, (lots 18, 19, 1-7).
Does the membership want to continue the care of this property or leave it to the individual lot owners
to maintain? If it is decided by the membership to continue to maintain the grass area, should we
make an amendment to follow Article 7 Section 7.8 of CCR to describe as an Easement for
Place on agenda
2. Insurance Coverage
Karen Conrad
Do we have the correct insurance coverage now that the HOA is being directed by the members vs.
the developer?
Karen to go to State Farm, verify and get quotes as needed to fill gaps
Place on agenda
3. Special Assessment & Amount 2022
Karen Conrad & Carla Crippin
Need for additional funds for reserve. Need for increasing costs to the HOA due to grow and/or
unforeseen expenses. All agree we need a "slush" fund. Due by 6/30/2022. How much? An agreement
was not reached, feel the membership should have input.
Place on agenda
4. Amend Article 3(k) Of CCR
Article 3(k) No RV's, boats, campers, trailers or similar vehicles shall be allowed on any Lot in any
way that is visible ... to the above mentioned items for 72 hrs.
Place on agenda
5. Adopt Governance Policies
Karen Conrad
All members reviewed "Governance Policies, Rules and Regulations of Eagle Heights Homeowner
Association, Inc." prior to meeting. Agreed to adopt.
This item is to be sent with outgoing documents before the HOA meeting to the general membership
Review and questions to be answered at meeting.
Kelly Crippin suggested we ask HOA attorney (Joe Solomon) to the meeting.
Place item on agenda
6. ARB Update
Dan Daneff
VThe ARB is finding the need to increase the detail of its directions to the owners for submittal of
building plan. There is also a need for Variance/Lot improvement request forms. Communication is
not as it should be between ARB & Board. An email for ARB will be set up, all future builders will
be instructed to use that email exclusive instead of personal emails of ARB members. All
requests/recommendations and approvals need to be in writing, for documentation accuracy.
7. Election
Karen Conrad
Election Candidate forms and Ballots will be distributed via email and be accepted by email, USPS.
mail, proxy and in person.
V. Agenda and Time of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held at 6:30 PM on October 30, 2021 at.
Crippin Funeral Home
Following Owners Meeting
Montrose, Colorado
The agenda for the next meeting is as follows:
New Executive Board will address portions of newly elect members and set date for first meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:35 PM by Karen Conrad
Minutes submitted by: Carla Crippin
Minutes approved by: Karen Conrad