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Eagle Heights HOA Board Meeting - September 17, 2024 Minutes


Meeting was open to all homeowners via ZOOM

Board members present: Karen Conrad, Greg Keehfuss, Ed Kozak, Ann Marie Sanders, Bob StechertMeeting was called to order at 9:59

Agenda Items1. Financial Statement and Action Presented by Greg Keehfuss

Greg Keehfuss provided the Balance Sheet (Quarterly) as of 9/12/2024 and an Operating Account 2024 Quarterly Projection.

Greg reports: Our financials look good but if our projected expenses come in we will be zeroed out for the year and won’t be adding to the reserve. I don’t think all of those expenses will come in. We should be even or under.

Ed asked to see where the reserve funds were delineated. That balance is reflected in the Operating Account 2024 Quarterly Projection.

Motion by Ed Kozak: I move to approve the financial report by Treasurer Greg Keehfuss. Second by Karen Conrad; agreed by all.

2. Status Subdivision Irrigation Map

Ed Kozak requested this item. The issue at hand is that the existing plat maps indicate irrigation easement but does not illustrate where the lines can be found at each lot. There are location wires on irrigation lines so that they can be found fairly easily. The question is whether or not we want to have a map created that indicates where the the connection point to each lot is located or are the location wires adequate.

There was a leak at the road when DMEA was digging lines for fiber. DMEA did not ask the HOA for locations before digging. This incident brought to light a need for locations to be clear.

Previously, funds were allocated ($3,000) for Kelly Crippin and Steve Harris to create such a map but to-date this has not been pursued. Bob will now ask them to work on this project. If it falls within the allocated $3000. the map will be made. The connection point to each lot from the main line will be designated.

3. Background of Orros Transfer Outlot A

Ed Kozak requested this agenda item in order to clarify the Quit Claim Deeds that Nick Orros filed file with Montrose County pertaining to Outlot A.

In summary, when developer Jim Witticom transferred deed for Outlot A to the HOA, there was a misspelling of the HOA name, ‘Home Owners’ rather than ‘Homeowners’, so Eagle Heights did not actually own the property. Nick Orros noticed the error and without notifying us, initiated a Quit Claim Deed to himself and then back to the correctly spelled HOA. Simultaneously, the Eagle Heights Board discovered the error and was also working to correct the error. As a result, for a brief time Nick Orros owned Outlot A. The same process was repeated for Outlot B. The series of Quit Claim deeds was a point of confusion but all legal processes are complete, it is properly recorded and Outlots A and B are owned by our HOA.

4. Set Date Annual Meeting 2024

At the May 10 Board Meeting it was recommended that our Annual Meeting be moved from the traditional October date to the month of January. This would be better timing as a complete year’s financial report can be offered at that time.

Statute requires that we have a 2024 annual meeting and so we will do so before the year is out. That meeting will be followed by the 2025 meeting to be held in January. Going forward annual meetings would be in January.

Motion by Ed Kozak: I move to set the Eagle Heights Annual 2024 HOA Membership meeting date on Wednesday, October 16.

After discussion Ed modified his motion to Friday, November 1. Karen Conrad seconded; agreed by all.

The 2024 Annual Meeting will be held on Friday, November 1. Bob will acquire location and set the time.

5. Set Date Annual Meeting 2025

Motion by Ed Kozak: I move, starting in the year 2025 and all subsequent years, to establish the Eagle Heights Annual HOA Membership meeting date on the third Friday of January. Second: Bob Stechert; agreed by all.

Motion by Ed Kozak: I move to extend the Eagle Heights 2024 Board of Directors term of office from the November 2024 HOA Annual Membership meeting to the January 2025 HOA Annual Membership meeting.

Ed explained that Board members’s terms end at the annual meeting 2024 and suggested that these elections be moved to the January meeting. In accordance with our bylaws It is necessary for this motion to be made at the 2024 Annual meeting in November and a vote taken.

Motion second by Bob Stechert; agreed by all.Election of officers will be placed on the January Agenda

Motion by Ed Kozak: I move that the 2024 year-end Financial Report be presented to the HOA membership at the January 2025 Annual membership meeting. Second by Bob Stechert; agreed by all.

Motion by Ed Kozak: I move that the 2025 Financial Budget be presented to the HOA membership at the January 2025 Annual membership meeting. Second by Bob Stechert; agreed by all.

Both of these items will be placed on the January agenda.

Ed shared that he will complete his current term but will not be running for a new term.

6. Proposal for Quarterly Board Meetings

Motion by Ed Kozak: I move to establish scheduled quarterly Eagle Heights HOA Board meeting dates as the second Wednesday in each of

the following months, March, June, September and December of each year and that the President may schedule additional HOA Board meetings as needed.

After discussion the motion was modified to include three Board meeting in April, July and October rather than the four initially called for.

Second by Karen Conrad agreed by all.

7. Summary and Recommendation from Governance Sub-committee

Greg Keehfuss reporting for the Sub-committee, Greg, Ed Kozak and Ann Marie Sanders with input from Nick Orros and George Papineau.

After many hours of reviewing, research, mark-ups and suggestions submitted by Nick, Committee members recognize that our Bylaws and CCRs are riddled with errors and inconsistencies and that the task to correct is a daunting one, beyond our expertise. The Committee’s recommendation is that the work should be handed over to professionals who are well equipped to prepare cohesive documents. The group recognizes that such work would require funds that are not presently budgeted. The Board will need to consider whether this work is actually needed, necessary, required and what would be the cost.

Motion by Ed Kozak: I move that the HOA President get a budget cost for review and updating the following HOA documents, Bylaws and CCRs.

Bob Stechert agreed that it is important to seriously entertain amending these documents, Bylaws and CCRs, because currently they are inconsistent and overlap. He is happy to obtain pricing.

Motion second by Bob Stechert; all agreed.

Any modifications to these documents will go to the membership for approval.

8. Proposal to Update Plat Map

Discussion that there are inconsistencies in the existing Plat Maps with regard to total acreage of retained land. Coordinates for property

boundaries differ from those in our CCRs because the CCRs were based on old data. The maps are correct but not the CCRs. These inconsistencies need to be clarified. Once the plat maps are correct the CCRs can be corrected to match.

Bob is not convinced that the maps need to be addressed. Our legal council has determined that the retained land in question is not part of Eagle Heights Subdivision. Plat map 2 as amended shows the subdivision and together with the Conrad plat map provides accurate description of what we have. The cost is likely to be prohibitive. Resurvey is expensive and may require approval from each and every property owner.

Motion by Ed Kozak: I move that the HOA Board President ask for bids to prepare a plat map of all Eagle Heights Subdivision land that is under its legal control as of September 17, 2024. Second by Karen Conrad; agreed by all.

Greg and Bob agreed to work together taking this issue to HOA lawyers and get estimate on cost to redo.

9. Should a Call List be Distributed for Contacts on Subdivision Issues

This item is on the agenda because George Papineau raised this question with Greg. Bob Stechert stated that there are privacy concerns around sharing contact information with all members. We need to be sensitive to this. However, the Board does have contact information and Karen distributes group email when there is information that needs to be broadcast to all homeowners.

10. Should Office Supply Expenses be Reimbursed to Board Members

Motion by Ed Kozak: I move that every member of the HOA Board of Directors and Architectural Review Board receive $50. Each year for office supplies.

After discussion the motion was modified to read: I move that every member of the HOA Board of Directors and Architectural Review Board be reimbursed for office supplies after providing a receipt to the treasurer. Second by Greg Keehfuss; agreed by all.

11. Should Insurance Verification be Required of Contractors

Historically Insurance verification has been required as well as contractors being bonded. This practice will be continued.

12. Action Item Summary and Responsibility List at Conclusion of Board and Annual Meeting Minutes

Such a list will be provided with minutes.

13. Alpine Bank and DORA Physical Address to be Established

Treasurer Greg Keehfuss will take care of this need. The physical address should most likely be the treasurer’s physical address.

14. Ways and Means for Ongoing Maintenance of all common areas

Bob Stechert brought this agenda Item. Bob explained that common areas are not presently being maintained. We have had the front entry and waterfall areas contracted with Hector for maintenance in the past.

It was decided to have Hector come and do fall maintenance after which Bob will provide cost information at the January meeting so that the membership can decide between purchasing contract help in future or organizing a volunteer community cleanup day.

15. Proposal to proceed with pursuing estimates for dead tree removal (fire mitigation) on Outlot A

Greg would like to get bids for this work. We need to be clear and agree about the scope of this work. Board members will schedule a walkabout on Outlots A and B so that we can see the scope of work to be done. Bob reminded the group that we need to be cognizant to not trespass on anybody’s lot that does not want us there with this work.

This walkabout was planned to be on the same day as this Board meeting. Unfortunately the weather did not cooperate. It will be rescheduled ASAP.

Additional Comments:

Bob recognized the comments made in the ZOOM chat, thanked those members for their comments and assured that they will be taken seriously.

Community notes by Greg:

Concern was expressed about entering property when irrigation work has to be performed, without advance notice.We try to provide advance notice. Sometimes advance notice is difficult. We do have irrigation easements throughout the development including drains on three lots that that allow us to enter for maintenance/repair. There is a No Trespass section in our governing documents that allow us to repair as necessary.

Dan Daneff expressed a special thank you to Tom and Kelly for winter plowing.

Welcome to George and Julie and welcome to Tim and Frances to the community.

It is good to see Bob Smith up and around.

Greg and Monica have been amazed at the outpouring of generosity from the community.

Meeting adjourned at 11:38

Action Items Board Meeting September 17, 2024

Agena item 2:Bob will communicate with Kelly Crippin and Steve Harris to create an Eagle Heights community irrigation map on which the connection point to each lot from the main line will be designated, if cost of the project is within the $3000. budget.

Agenda item 4:The 2024 Annual Meeting will be held on Friday, November 1. Bob will acquire location and set the time.

Agenda item 5:The 2025 Annual Meeting will be held on Friday, January 17, 2025. Election of officers will be placed on the January Agenda

The end of year financial report will be placed on the January agenda. The 2025 proposed budget will be placed on the January agenda.

Agenda Item 7:Bob Stechert will get a budget cost for review and updating HOA documents, Bylaws and CCRs.

Discussion of such bid will be added to the January membership meeting if it is ready.

Agenda item 8:Greg and Bob will take the plat map revision concerns to the HOA lawyers and get estimate on cost to redo.

Agenda Item 13:Greg Keehfuss will take care of establishing HOA physical address with Alpine Bank and DORA

Agenda item 15:Board Members will conduct a walkabout on Outlots A and B to become familiar with them and to consider the scope of mitigation efforts.

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