Eagle Heights HOA
Yearly Homeowners Meeting Minutes
Meeting Date and Time
Date of Meeting: May 14. 2021
Time of Meeting: 5:00 PM
Meeting Location
Location of Meeting:
Ute Musuem
17253 Chipeta Rd
Montrose. Colorado 81403
Meeting Attendees
Present at Meeting:
Craig Peterson & Diane Sanders »7
Ann Marie Sanders #8
Paul & Norma Marcinek #13
Ed & Nora Kozak 1117
Leo & Ann Krsiean #21
Robert & Joyce Smith #22
Kelly & Carla Crippin #24
Merrill & Evelyn Kaufmann #25
Tom & Karen Conrad #26
Eagleview-Jim & Patti whitticom #43
Bob & Nancy Stechen #45
Absent from Meeting:
Sean & Scheila Malekzadeh .71 & #12
Salvador Delgado Silva #2
Arlan Holst & Wendy Randolph #3
Brian & Carrie Briggs #4
Greg Keehfus #16
Sue Husch & Brad Wallis #18
Wes Browning-Marian Ledoux #19
Jonathan & Jeraldine Beattie .720 Present By Proxy
Dale & Cheryl Zahniser #23
Allison & Mario Casias #27
The regular meeting of the Homeowners of Eagle Heights HOA was called to order at 5:05 PM on
May 14. 2021 at Ute Musuem by Karen Conrad-President.
I. Approval of Agenda
The agenda for the meeting was distributed and unanimously approved.
II. Review of Previous Minutes
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and unanimously approved as corrected.
III. Consideration of Open Issues
1. Approval Of Minutes Meeting Dtd 09-18-2020
Karen Conrad-President
Reading of the Minutes Carla Crippin/SecretaryTTreasurer
IV. Consideration of New Business
1. Review Of Expenditures of 2020
Carla Crippin
A view of some of the expenditures for 2019-2020. A also an overview of expenditures to date for 2021.
Working on an update income/expenditures for 2021
2. Architectural Review Board
Dan Daneff
Architectural Review Board consists of Dan Daneff, Mike Williams. & Kelly Crippin, with assistance from Kris Pepar (Architect).
Dan giving a nod to Ann for spearheading the entrance work party. To the Conrad family (or the cleaning of the waterfall area, this last year. Then also thanking Kelly & Tom for plowing the roads this year.
ARB - 2 Lots under construction, Vandehey lot #6 & Stechen lot #45., have been approved, by ARB, building permits, etc. lot #20. Beattie has just been approved and they have been notified.
Empty Lots in the neighbor ARB request notification of any or all improvements you do on your lot, please let the ARB know get approval in writing from the ARB, email, call. Please
let the ARB know,
Ann spoke to the those in attendance to look at having a work party for the entrance,
cleaning up some bushes that have died, doing some weeding as well. And those who can
not physical help, maybe cookies & lemonade.
3. Treasurer Report
Carla Crippin
Hermosa Landscaping coming on for the summer. They will only mow. Kelly offered to spray for weeds. Also the walking paths & the greenspace out front. Jim pointed out the trees at the "T" at the entrance are really stressed and need water. Kelly had pointed out he was able to get the water going to the trees the day before.
2020 were completed
HOA Registration with State of Colorado Completed
HOA Periodic Report completed & Address changed to Treasurers Address Insurance for the HOA is being renewed
Still gathering more information for the breakdown of expenses over the last year. Working on a projection for budget going forward.
Was mentioned about possibly raising the HOA duos to help warrant off any unforeseen expenses in the future, or a special assessment, was also brought up that the to look into
the State of Colorado HOA rules (or thresholds of HOA dues. Will continue to look into in anticipation of next meeting.
4. Old Business
Karen Conrad
Out Lot B has been platted in the Amended file so it is now a part of the HOA. Which include around the walking trail & waterfall. Out lot A was already platted and has been part of the HOA for some time
5. Unfinished Business
Kelly Crippin
Homeowner Volunteering.
Our HOA is a volunteer HOA, no paid positions within the HOA. To have everyone help out whether it paperwork, or emailing, or organize things. Please give everyone the respect to to help out in the best way possible.
With that, the board member have a responsibility, to work with the new homeowners & and need the support of everyone, that we are working with how we all are interpreting the rules & regulations the best way we can.
Irrigation of the greenspace near the waterfalls is up and going. Working on the "V at the entrance, as well as tire entrance.
Working on getting more of the Homeowners to know the irrigation system. (Tom, Dan, &. Paul). To help check the intake from the canal, ect.
6. Possible Paving Of 5950 Rd
Bob Stechen
Prepared a letter to submit to Montrose County Road Department, To have each of the homeowners & lot owners sign.
Bob is asking for input from the Homeowner & Lot owners as well on tire letter, before submitting the final version to Montrose County.
7. Management Company
Karen Conrad
The question was brought up, if Eagle Heights could look into a management company. Investigation was done, by calling different companies, did not get call back from most of the companies, one company wouldn't give an estimate. As an HOA we would still need a board even if we had a management company.
V. Agenda and Time of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held at TBD PM on September 10, 2021 at:
The agenda for the next meeting is as follows;
The meeting was adjourned at 6:05 PM by Karen Conrad-President.
Minutes submitted by: Carla J Crippin