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Annual Meeting 02/23/2018


Eagle Heights Home Owners Association

Annual Meeting, February 23, 2018

Meeting was held at the Montrose Association of Realtors office, 125 Merchant Drive, Montrose, CO. Meeting was called to order at 5:05 PM by Jim Whitticom.

1. Present were: Betty Pixler- lot 27, Kelly and Carla Crippen- lot 24(by Facetime), Merrill and Evelyn Kaufmann-lot 25, Diane Bass-lot 13, Michelle and Jon Klippert-lot 14, Daniel Daneff and JoAnne Monday-lot 28, Ann and Lee Krsiean- lot 20, Ben and Karen Yeatts -lot 23, Ann Marie Sanders- lot 8, and Jim and Pat Whitticom.

2. Jim opened the business meeting by discussing internet and phone availability at Eagle Heights. He explained how they originally installed conduit for Spring Creek Cable to deliver TV and internet by cable. They also dug and installed conduit for Century Link to deliver phone and if they got cable out on Spring Creek, to run cable to the subdivision. What a difference a few years will make. In 2017 they were no longer interested in providing even phone service for the ten lots that were just released in Phase 2 for sale. The costs for installing both were over $40,000. He explained he had been talking to Doug Seacat to see if he could get us real internet with optical fiber. Doug thought he could.

Jim invited Doug to explain how he could bring high speed fiber delivered. He explained If we were interested, he would have to buy Spring creek cable's conduit up to Maple Grove. Doug would then need to run conduit from Maple Grove to the subdivision. His early estimate is his upfront cost buying part of Spring Creek Cable's infrastructure and installing fiber in conduit to our subdivision would be about $15,000. Doug said he would appreciate as much as possible receiving the $15,000 up front. Doug answered lots of questions about fiber and the difference of the various delivery system. He explained that fiber was the best delivery solution. There was enough interest that we asked Doug to put a proposal together and we would review his proposal for Eagle Heights We also let him know that we were very interested. Once he has everything together a special meeting will be announced for his internet proposal to be approved. Once Doug was done there was a lot of conversation about how we would pay the upfront cost. One was with a couple of special assessments that would be applied to all lots even the ones not currently released. It was decided that this would be finalized during our special meeting.

3. Attendees acknowledged receipt of the notice of the meeting and Jim certified that nonattending owners were notified.

4. Minutes of the last meeting, having been previously e- mailed to all owners, were approved.

5. There were no officer reports and no committee reports.

6. Board members of the HOA are Jim Whitticom-President, Pat Whitticom-Vice-President, and Keith Jacobsen-Secretary/Treasurer.

7. There was no Unfinished Business.

8. New Business:

A. Officers of the HOA remain unchanged. Jim-President, Pat-Vice President and Keith -Secretary/Treasurer.

B. 2017 HOA expenditures were reviewed and approved.

C. 2018 budget was explained and approved

D. 2018 assessment is $350 and was approved

E. Jim announced that phase 2, which consists of 10 additional lots, is complete and ready for sale. Three of these lots have been sold already.

F. Jim discussed a plan which would capture the tail water from the farm above the subdivision. He told how we would need to put the waste water into a pipe at the top of our subdivision which would allow us to install a filter either later on or immediately which would clean the water so it could be used for irrigation. A lot of the newest irrigation installations are using this as it's relatively inexpensive and low maintenance. Jim said if everyone thought this was a good idea, he would donate most of the equipment available at a low cost and road base would be free. Jim will get with the engineers to design the project. Early estimate shows the HOA currently has enough money for the project.

8. Open discussion ensued:

Jim asked if anyone would be interested in being on the HOA board. No volunteers stepped forward.

There was more discussion about the internet with a majority of those present being in favor of having it. It was decided that when Doug Seacat gets his proposal firmed up a special meeting will be called to vote on the internet.

9. The meeting was adjourned at 6:15 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Pat Whitticom, acting Secretary

As an addendum to the minutes; after reviewing the HOA meeting Keith Jacobsen and I have decided if Doug can pull his proposal together and we can get the fiber to the subdivision we will cover the cost up to $15,000. Any other costs including pulling fiber to each house will be up to the individual homeowner. Since we've agreed to get it to the subdivision there won't be a need for a special meeting. We will keep you updated as the project proceeds.

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